The Incline Dumbbell (DB) Press

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Do you have questions about this exercise? This movement is called the Incline Dumbbell (DB) Press. It is a variation of the bench press performed using dumbbells and an adjustable bench. The incline press trains the chest just like the neutral bench press and other versions; however, using the incline angle gives the upper part of the pectoral muscle more focus. It also secondarily trains the shoulders, biceps, and triceps.



To Perform the Incline DB Press:

  1. Adjust your bench to an angle between 15º and 45º
  2. Sit on the bench with your flat feet placed firmly on the ground.
  3. Lie against the bench with an arch in your lower back and your head and upper back fixed to their positions on the bench.
  4. The dumbbells begin at shoulder level with an overhand grip.
  5. Exhale and press through both hands to raise the dumbbells up and towards each other.
  6. Continue throughout the pressing motion as the arms extend.
  7. Inhale and lower your arms, returning to the starting position.



Similar Moves:

Bench Press, Decline Press, Push-ups, Renegade Rows, Chest Flyes, Close Grip Press



How often do you incorporate the Incline DB Press into your routine? What progress have you noticed? Be sure to leave a comment below and share!